A.Hatzopoulos S.A. has partnered with HEMA for their new sustainable coffee packaging launch in 2020. In response to the retailer’s eco vision, we undertook the challenge to redesign the conventional packaging film for recyclability and to bring on HEMA’s coffee shelves the new sustainable packs within only few months’ time.

With very low oxygen & water vapor transmission rates, the high-barrier film developed specifically for the HEMA coffee beans 1kg packaging, was designed to keep the beans fresh and to preserve their delicate aroma. Based on our X-CYCLE POLY technology, the final film contains no metal and its formulation is suitable for recycling through the mixed polyolefins recycling stream, currently available in several European countries. Roasted and packed in Belgium and available at the HEMA stores in several countries since the beginning of the year, the new coffee range carries a clean and clear environmental claim.

In addition to its better environmental metrics, the packaging film has excellent mechanical properties, achieving high performance rates at the roaster’s high-speed VFFS packaging machine and 100% compatibility with common coffee degassing valves. The final pack, printed in high quality rotogravure by the brand new BOBST RS 6003 HS press of A. Hatzopoulos S.A., has an attractive matt look and soft touch feel that interacts with the consumer.

HEMA’s recycle-ready coffee packaging was the SILVER winner at this year’s “Packaging Innovation Awards 2020”. This internationally-recognized Greek competition supports innovation in packaging design, as presented by professionals from the packaging, FMCG and creative design sectors. This year, our innovative sustainable packaging development received one of the highest ratings in the most competitive category of the competition: “Sustainable Packaging Design”.

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Dedicated to our vision for a better future planet, we innovate for the development of the next generation of flexible packaging solutions designed for recyclability! We are proud to have assisted HEMA in their packaging transformation and in their launch of this new sustainable coffee packaging.