As part of regulatory changes and harmonization at European level, Cotrep – the Center of resources and expertise on household plastic packaging recyclability in France – recently presented the results of the work carried out in 2022 and the recommendations to come in 2023.


Currently four protocols are being drafted for both rigid and flexible packaging. A new recommendation has just supplemented that of 2021 related to metallized PE films. After the tests carried out to study the impact of metallization in the PE recycling stream for flexible packaging, the results are comparable to those of non-metallized PE recycling. Cotrep therefore classifies these structures as compliant with recyclability, provided that the metallization is not visible so as not to disturb sorting.

Here you will find a summary of the update of the Cotrep recommendations for flexible PEs.

Another update refers to the fact that sorting centers will begin to accept flexible PP. The objective is to create first a system for flexible PPs and thus assess their possible recyclability through the existing channels.

In 2023, several works are planned by the Cotrep committee regarding PET barriers, the choice of material among paper, PE and PP for labels, the impact of labels and caps on bottles, as well as adhesives on rigid PE / PP trays.


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The R&D and sales team of A.Hatzopoulos S.A. are always up-to-date with regard to plastic packaging recycling in France. For any further information you may require please contact our local office:


Hatzopoulos France
5 Rue Erable, 67610
La Wantzenau, France
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